Indications: Intellect, ambition, personal power, protection, inability to give or receive love, intolerant, lacks forgiveness.
Keep this and all medicines out of reach of children.
If pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner.
Ingredients: Cina 10X, Kali chloricum 8X, Lachesis mutus 12X, Nux vomica 8X, Natrum phosphoricum 8X, Bufo rana 12X, Belladonna 8X, Calcarea sulphurica 8X, Formica rufa 12X, Hematite 30X, 60X, 100X, Rose quartz 30X, 60X, 100X, Garnet 30X, 60X, 100X
See container for directions or ask your healthcare practitioner.
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