Selenium Homeopathic Formula

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Homeopathic formula designed to help with acne and eczema.
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Keep this and all medicines out of reach of children.

If pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner before use,
Ingredients: a-Keto-Glutarate Isode 10X, Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) 6X, Calcarea Fluorica (Fluorspar) 3X, Cortisone Acetate Isode 28X, Formicum Acidum (Formic Acid) 198X, Fumaric Acid Isode 10X, Galium aparine (Cleavers) 6X, Ignatia amara (St. Ignatius' Bean) 6X, Kidney Sarcode 10X, Lappa major (Great Burdock) 6X, Ledum palustre (Wild Rosemary) 4X, Mercurius Solubilis (Soluble Mercury) 13X, Phosphoricum Acidum (Phosphoric Acid) 6X, Placenta Sarcode 10X, Pyrogenium Nosode 198X, Sangvinaria canadensis (Bloodroot) 6X, Selenium Isode 10X, Sarcode 10X, Sodium Oxalate Isode 10X, Spleen Sarcode 10X, Sulphur (Sulfur) 10X, Thuja occidentalis (White Cedar) 8X, Urtica urens (Dwarf Nettle) 4X
Serving Size:
10 drops

Recommended Use:
Homeopathic formula designed to help with acne and eczema.

Take 10 drops, 2-3 times a day or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.

Servings Per Container: Monthly Supply

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Selenium Homeopathic Formula
