This kit contains the key bone-building nutrients needed to
maintain strong bones. We like to consider taking our Bone Health
Kit like buying an insurance plan for your bones. Even if you think
you’re getting all the nutrients you need, are you absorbing them
all? BUILD offers three minerals that are crucial for bone health:
calcium, magnesium, and zinc. And, these aren’t just the cheap
forms of minerals you’ll find in tablet form at your local nutrition
store, these are highly absorbable and bioavailable nutrients that
your body craves. In addition to these essential micronutrients,
we utilize Bonolive®, a patented polyphenol complex extracted
from olive leaves proven to support healthy bone metabolism and
stimulate the bone-building process. FORTIFY works synergistically
with BUILD by providing two crucial, fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin
D and vitamin K, that work to enhance the absorption of calcium
and direct calcium out of soft tissues and into bones. Do your body
a favor and give it the nutrients it needs to make sure your bones
will be healthy and strong well into old age.
Keep this and all other medicines out of reach of children
If pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner.
Serving Size:
3 scoops
Recommended Use:
This kit contains the key bone-building nutrients needed to maintain strong bones. We like to consider taking our Bone Health Kit like buying an insurance plan for your bones.
Servings per Container: 60
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